simpleSAMLphp on IIS from scratch (with AD FS)

simpleSAMLphp on IIS from scratch (with AD FS)

Test the SP, before creating the web application

Test the SP, before creating the web application

SimpleSAMLphp has a really cool feature which allows you to test the SPs you configure, without the need to actually have a working web app for it. It’s very basic, but allows you to go through the IdP (AD FS for us) authentication and see if the IdP is sending you all the claims back as configured.

  1. Visit
  2. Login and click on the Authentication tab.
  3. Select the SP we just created (MyPHPTest01-sp).
  4. You should be brought to your AD FS sign on page. Login and once done you should be back on the simpleSAMLphp page with the results.

Note: If you change the claims, make sure you click logout and you log back in, through AD FS, before testing again. If you refresh the page, you’ll only see the same claims over and over again.

We’re ready to create our first web application that will log users in via AD FS!

IT Droplets

IT Droplets